Wednesday, July 15, 2009

And A Drop Of Water Becomes A Tsunami

By now you all know the story, or if you don't: A writer named Paraglider, a friend, wrote an article about a bloodless revolution, and in said article he mentioned “conviviality” as a necessary first step in a bloodless revolution, the desired outcome of which is no less than a complete overhaul of the current power structure, disenfranchising the elite and returning power to the rightful heirs...the people. We're talking about worldwide. Or something like that.

So this site – Drop Out Nation – was created as a place where deep thinkers could gather and start a dialogue and post their views and thoughts, particularly regarding conviviality. As Paraglider stated in his article, “A convivial community is one that shares resources and skills without the need for money, on a barter basis, or perhaps with a local currency. The unit is still the family household; we are not talking about communes. But in a convivial community, cooperation replaces competition as the driving force.”

So why was I asked to become a part of it? I am not a deep thinker. I am an entertainer, a humorist. After all, my deep-thinking blog, “The Crusty Curmudgeon,” has dealt with such vital topics as “whale tails,” why men don't like wearing condoms, or my most recent, “Tramp Stamps.” You know...really important stuff. So why was I asked and why did I say yes?

Because even though I am not what you would call political, I think that things are all funked up, and it will never stop unless we make it stop. Will this site do that? But it's a beginning. It's a drop of water, which turns into a ripple, which becomes a wave, which builds into a tsunami, which washes the bastards away. It won't happen overnight, but it might happen in years. Just as a baby must take it's first wobbly steps, so we step here today.

And it will take all of us, not just the deep thinkers. They can see and understand that the revolution needs food, that it needs more potatoes, but I can grow the potatoes...and I can throw potatoes. Chances are, you are already doing something and don't even realize it. When one neighbor borrows a cup of sugar, and later that neighbor borrows from the first a cup of milk, that's conviviality, and who hasn't bartered at some point or another.

How can you help? For starters you can read Paraglider's article if you haven't already: Can We Engineer a Bloodless Revolution? Then tell your friends. Spread it around. Learn what you can do in your community. Write about it.

Today, we are but a few. We are a drop. When there are millions of us, that's a tsunami. It starts here. Join us.


C. R. Rookwood said...

Awesome Chris. I think this will work, and if we get lots of folks contributing, even once in awhile, hopefully something will come together.

I'm especially hoping for less (or no) pointless political wrangling, and more brainstorming and building on ideas for how to effect change.

Thanks for all your patience and hard work and help. I feel like this is getting off the ground now. :)

Para Glider said...

Hi Chris - thanks for doing this, and for apparently setting up a new blog in the process. I'll be watching!